Wisconsin Veneer Co. / Atlas Plywood Co.
Wisconsin Veneer Co. / Atlas Plywood Co.
History of Lincoln, Oneida and Vilas Counties Wisconsin - 1924
One of the most flourishing Rhinelander Industries is the Wisconsin Veneer Company, which was established as an incorporated company in August, 1900, by A. H. Frost, R. C. Dayton and W. R. and C. G. F. Hendy, and a plant was built at the present location. By March, 1902, the concern was employing 70 men. On Aug. 13, 1903, the plant was burned and the concern was reorganized in that year and the business taken over by Dr. A. D. Daniels, J. O. Moen, C. E. Morrill and R. C. Dayton, who continued it, a new plant being completed in March, 1904. On Dec. 1, 1914, another reorganization took place, a considerable amount of outside capital being brought in and the amount of stock considerable increased. Prior to the second reorganization the plant produced veneer only, but it was then expanded to include the production of plywood and both lines of production have been continued up to the present time. For the production of veneer the ‘woods used are birch, ash, elm, basswood, maple, and red and white oak, procured in the territory tributary to Rhinelander. The same woods are used in plywood manufacture, with the addition of yellow pine and mahogany. The original veneer plant had 29,000 square feet of floor space, which subsequent additions and enlargements have increased to over 125,000 square feet. The plant and yards covers 13 acres and includes several large buildings. The total value of the production has been increased from $100,000 to over $1,000,000 annually, and about 260 men are employed on an average. The present officers of the company are: J. O. Moen, president; D. F. Recker, vice president, and F. A. Marshall, and treasurer.
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