This would have been the common area that the borders would have been able to use for socializing.

Again everything you see in this house, all of the furniture, statues, photographs, the vacuum, the telephone, even the pump organ here that still works, everything was donated by families that wanted to share these items with everyone. And we are so happy to be able to share them with people. Again the greatest artifact that we have is the house, but all these items make it look like a home.

Parlor Highlights

Listed below are a few of the items in this room that you may be interested in learning more about.


Regina Music Box

If you are familiar with player pianos and the holes in the paper, this has a disc or record with those holes in again to produce sound. So even without electricity way back then, one could still have had some music in the house.

Vacuum Cleaner  

It is a suction pump so if you pull the handle it will actually suck up a piece of lint off the carpet.

Old-Fashioned Telephone

Rhinelander Telephone Company was formed in 1901. While the telephone booth is not original to this house, it may have had one to offer some privacy for the boarders while talking on the telephone.

Stereograph (3D viewer)

3D was actually invented over 100 years ago. Two photos offset to create the illusion.